Soundwalks and Instrument Making Workshops featuring Hal Rammel and led by Eric Leonardson:
2016 Open AIR (Artist in Residence)
The 606 & Bloomingdale Trail
June 18, 2016
● 10-11 am Meet at Julia de Burgos Park, Albany Access Point
Soundwalk with Amanda Gutierrez & Eric (Spanish)
● 1-2 pm Meet at Exelon Observatory at Ridgeway, the West Trailhead
Soundwalk with Norman W. Long & Eric (English)
● 4-5:20 pm at lawn over St. Louis Ave & Bloomingdale Trail
Instrument Making Workshop with Hal Rammel & Eric
● 6-7 pm Meet at Wood Street Access Ramp
Soundwalk with Anna Orlikowska (Polish)

Details on all 606 Soundscape events held throughout June and July will be regularly posted here and through Facebook events.
Download the updated 606 Soundscape flier. In case you need a “reminder notification” click here to “attend on” Facebook!
In other news, you might want more information on Eric Leonardson’s art practices and other organizations he is involved in directing; accessed by clicking “the link”!
Stay active and up-to-date this summer by keeping track of other innovative, public and free events led by Eric Leonardson, made possible and with the help of organizations such as the Chicago Public Park systems and the Trust for Public Land. The 606 Soundscape is a project for the broader one, Open AIR, and Leonardson has devised this especially for The 606 artist residency program.