World Listening Day “Sounds Lost and Found” virtual symposium

WLD2016logo-3Coinciding with activities on The 606 is the #SoundCon x World Listening Day virtual symposium.

This live, online broadcast of presentations on the theme of “Sounds Lost & Found” takes place on July 17 and 18. Visit to view scheduled presentations.

Below is the virtual symposium schedule as of July 16 with direct links.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

8:00PM CST / Eric Leonardson, Executive Director, World Listening Project (Chicago)*
8:20PM CST / Aditi Bhagwat, MA in Kathak Dance, Gandharva Mahavidyalaya (Mumbai)

Monday, July 18, 2016

10:20AM CST / Emeka Ogboh, Theme Creator, World Listening Day 2016 (Lagos)
10:40AM CST / Hilda Daniel, Multimedia Artist (NYC / Singapore / LA) 
11:00AM CST / Ben Mirin aka DJ Ecotone, National Geographic Channel (NYC)
11:20AM CST / Maile Colbert, PhD Fellow, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon)
11:40AM CST / Carmen Braden, Canadian Association for Sound Ecology (Yellowknife) 
12:00PM CST / Milena Droumeva, Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver)

* Leonardson’s presentation follows the “Sounds Alive Treasure Hunt” event ENDING AT 7:30 Sunday.

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